Dr. Seán Bracken is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the U.K. He is Doctoral Programme Lead for the College of Education, Humanities and the Arts at the University of Worcester, where he teaches on the PG Cert for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, and where he also contributes to the PG Cert in Research Methods for the Doctoral Programme.
Seán is chair and co-founder of INCLUDE (the International Collaboratory for Leadership in Universally Designed Education), a transnational research and professional enhancement network of learners, teachers and service providers who are dedicated to overcoming barriers to learning at all stages of the lifelong learning journey. Along with colleagues within the network, Seán has recently established the International Journal for Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning (IJUDUDL). Additionally, he leads the University of Worcester’s Inclusion by Design research group, which by anticipating learner diversity and by constructing inclusive social, technological and spatial learning environments, aims to strengthen access and achievement through development of inclusive curriculum and assessment design. In his learning, teaching, and research endeavors, Seán draws on a rich tapestry of cross-cultural experiences garnered over 30 years of service as a teacher, teacher educator, and educational consultant in primary, secondary, and higher education contexts.