Dr Shaymala Dalvi

Dr.Shyamala Dalvi is a psychologist and a special educator. She has been working in the field of education for over 30 years. She has done Masters in Psychology and in Special education followed by a Doctorate in Inclusive Education.
She began as a Master trainer at the S.N.D.T University, training pre service teachers and conducting psycho educational assessment for a period of eight years.
She has worked in schools for over ten years leading the process of including children with disabilities into the mainstream.
She is a resource person for inclusive education at the National council for education research and training(NCERT). For the Maharashtra State Government she was a part of the advisory committee and master trainer for school assessment and accreditation.
She has worked and continues to support various projects of UNICEF including inclusive education, early childhood education and FLN in Maharashtra since 2016.