Prof Anupam Ahuja

Dr. Anupam Ahuja is a former Professor, Head Department of Education of Group with Special Needs and International Relations Division at NCERT. She has 39 years of National and International experience in the field of education with a focus on developing inclusive practices. Professor Ahuja has worked in more than 20 countries on numerous assignments on training, initiating, guiding and evaluating inclusive programmes in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe for UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, Braillo Norway, and a number of other international organisations.

She has contributed to many national and international research-based publications on education and school improvement for Children with Special Needs. She is a member of the advisory group to the UNESCO IBE and the most recent publication – Reaching out to all Learners: A resource pack for supporting inclusion and equity in education. She is the founder and co-editor of EENET Asia.