Prof. Elizabeth Dalton has worked in special needs education in Rhode Island schools since 1976, specializing in technology applications for persons with disabilities. After earning a Ph.D. in Education, she was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Leadership at Boston College and CAST in 2010 to research and teach UDL and inclusive education.
Prof. Dalton developed and taught special education and assistive technology courses at RI College, URI & CCRI, coordinated assistive technology programs for the Paul V. Sherlock Center on Developmental Disabilities, co-founded the TechACCESS of Rhode Island and the Assistive Technology Conference of New England. Currently, Dr. Dalton is an inclusive education consultant for Dalton Education Services International (DESI), specializing in UDL, technology, and curriculum development. She is widely published in UDL and inclusive education and has trained teachers in UDL strategies in Brunei, South Africa, Namibia, Kuwait, Tanzania, India, and the USA, and helps lead the online INCLUDE Collaboratory, emphasizing the importance of context to UDL implementation and systemic change.